Sample Our Research
We are proud of our research and pleased to be distributing it to insurance professionals at organizations that write or control over $500 billion of premiums. The topics we pursue are intentionally diverse. For example, our work analyzes business development, financial, legal, actuarial and claim matters relevant to P/C insurance professionals. We consider our work a success when it stimulates conversations and cross-functional collaboration among our subscribers. We eagerly collaborate with subscribers and industry partners to inform (and differentiate) our research.
Topics we have researched recently are included in the nearby Highlights section. Ask us for past research as part of a trial and check out the Testimonial page for views from subscribers!
Click here for current research charts showing our diverse topics and annual production.
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Highlights of our Research
Assured Research Highlights 2024
Assured Research Highlights 2023
Assured Research Highlights 2022
Assured Research Highlights 2021